Day 9: Fortress of Solitude

Soaking in the sun on the bed
How many nights have you fallen asleep watching the news, only to be awakened at 3am to an annoying infomercial? How many times have you been awaken at 2am by the sudden rebooting of your printer sitting on the desk in the corner of your bedroom? 

My guess is a lot more than you might realize. 

Did you know that distractions in our bedrooms can seriously affect, not only our own lives, but even our spouses or significant others? 

Our bedrooms are our fortresses of solitude. The place where we seek sleep and respite from long days and pressing deadlines. It is also where we seek intimacy with the one we're with. But, we are hearing more and more about how couples are losing that precious time paying more attention to Jay Leno or David Letterman than they are each other. The purpose of the boudois is for both sleep and, well, "gettin' jiggy with it". 

But, we don't. We think that by relaxing in bed watching a movie is going to help relax us. We think stashing our computer in a corner of our bedroom will just keep it out of the way. We keep thinking we're just making life simpler.

Thing is, we haven't. So, one of my primary objectives was to eliminate the outside world from my bedroom. I kicked the television out of my bedroom a few years ago, and last night, kicked my computer out, as well. The only things left are the essentials of what makes a bedroom a, well, bedroom sanctuary. 

But how much of a sanctuary is the bedroom even without the TV and the computer? Is your laundry piled up in a stinky pile in the corner? Is your nightstand cluttered with everything except a clock and lamp? Do you have to move things in order to reach your bed?

Okay, so I still have to move the occasion dog toy from my path to my bedroom, but a few months ago I decided to try the Feng Shui approach to my bedroom. It was an attempt to help me sleep better, regain some peace of mind, and a place to relax. 

First, I cleared out the clutter from my bedroom. I still had unpacked boxes lining the walls, and items that still had not found a home stacked on top of them or any solid non-bed surface of the room. My desk was under there somewhere, while my laptop was stuck somewhere between the bed and the nightstand (which I could not find either). 

Second, I dusted. And dusted. And dusted. And vacuumed. And vacuumed. And vacuumed. Oh, and I even vacuumed the bed (hey, think about all the dust and dead skin that pile up there). I made sure all surfaces were clean and clear.

Third, I purchased bedding and draperies that were in calm and soothing tones and colors. I chose soft blues, creams and mocha browns. I made sure I purchased good sheets that felt soft and welcoming to the skin. I even added a few decorative pillows to the bed to give it an even more welcoming feel. 

Fourth, I made a vow to get that computer out and to keep my bedroom a sanctuary. Sure, the dogs still sleep in there, but they are kicked off the bed when it comes time to fall asleep. The only form of entertainment I have in my bedroom are my Kindle and a notepad. You never know what might come to mind while sleeping. Plus, it helps to journal your thoughts before closing your eyes. In fact, I highly recommend it. 

It is also recommended to keep your reading light and relaxing when you read in bed, and if not alone, to use a book light as to not disturb your sweetie. 

So, tonight is my first night of crawling into bed without any other distraction than Bootsie's signature Boston Terrier snore and my Sampson's mixed breed sighs. To me, they are actually relaxing and bring peace of mind knowing that I'm surrounded by objects of unconditional love. 

My challenge to you is to make the step of removing the distractions of life from your bedroom. Rekindle that romance with the one you love and focus only on them and sleep. You'll thank me in the morning.
