Today is the first day of 2013...a new year...a new, crisp, white blank page to start the new year with. How to start the new year? That's a good question. Most people jump right in and hit the gym hot and heavy, but they lose steam a few weeks into it and find themselves skipping days and then not going altogether.
As for me, I'm going to ease my way into it. One step at a time. Since I have a cold, it just makes more sense to do it that way. I physically can't just jump on the bike and do a hard 30 minutes at full speed. No, a slow and easy go on the treadmill might be what is on the docket for me today. They say that light to moderate exercise when you have a head cold can help clear it up...sweat it out per se.
But even so, without a cold, easing ones self into a new workout routine might be better than jumping full force. Like starting a C25K program. You just don't hit the treadmill doing a full run immediately, you start out easily doing incremental spurts and work your way over a period of time into a full run. It has longer lasting results than cranking it up immediately.
So, my goal for today is an easy 15 minutes on the treadmill and eating healthy. That to me is the best way to start off a new year!
I agree ! Slow and Easy ! Here's to a FANTASTIC 2013 ! Love you and your blog ! <3