The Master Bedroom...or Inner Sanctum |
The question is why it seems to be the place where the most chaos seems to exist, next to the guest bedroom? It is the place where we shut the door and pray that no one enters. Our beds are mussed and our dresser tops unseen. Piles of laundry, clean and unclean, hang precariously from well meaning exercise equipment or chairs. A place we hope no one will find.
I'm not going to say that my master bedroom is perfect. It isn't, as noted in the photo above. The dogs move their doggy beds to all corners except the one I want them. Doggy toys abound...and in the case of this photo, an errant dryer sheet that escaped my eye when I took the photo. The dogs seem to muss my bed more times than not in search of warmer quarters since I'm scrimping on electricity. My dresser top is covered in boxes filled with jewelry and change jars. My relaxing recliner is the resting place for clothes that need to be rehung or thrown in the laundry.
Needless to say, my inner sanctum is in dire need of help itself.
In order to bring peace to a bedroom, one must first consider the primary use of a bedroom. It is supposed to be the place where we rest. The place where we find peace. It is supposed to be where we escape from the ills of the world. So, why is it that many clutter their space with things that do not bring peace or rest?
Did you know that a electronics, aside from the alarm clock, can disturb our sleep? Watching late night news before bed can rile us and make it more difficult for sleep to come. That the light from laptops, cell phones, and televisions can also disturb sleep? Yes, electronics in the bedroom are bad. And, I'm just as much trouble on this one as anyone else.
I had made a vow a few years ago to remove all electronics except for the alarm from my bedroom. I don't have a television in my room, and my computer desk is hidden in my office. I do own a laptop that has somehow found it's way back into my bedroom, and I haven't resolved to place my cell phone on the kitchen counter at night to recharge.
And I suffer from insomnia. One would wonder why when I feel the need to check the latest status updates from my friends on Facebook. Or, when I post a new blog, the number of views and comments they have. I feel the need to keep my phone nearby, regardless of the incessant beeps and buzzes it makes throughout the night. I can never understand why I'm wide awake throughout the night.
I see a psychiatrist every few months who prescribes me a sleep aid to help with my insomnia, and his response to getting sleep is to remove all distractions from the bedroom and go to bed when it is time for bed. No television, no radio, no laptop, no cell phone.
Other resources also note that the bedroom should be the place where minimalism should occur most. Keep it simple. Keep it clean. Keep it peaceful. If it doesn't bring peace (like that well intended piece of exercise equipment), then it does not belong in the bedroom.
So what does my bedroom contain? A bed, of course. A dresser. A comfy chair to read before bed. A fan for white noise. An alarm clock (which is unique in itself). And two night stands to keep a book, a Bible, lotion, glasses, a lamp, a prayer box, and an alarm clock. I try to decorate in hues that are peaceful and muted, as not to arouse. Pillows galore to make it look comfy and inviting. And a chair that is warm and inviting to decompress after a long day.
I love my bedroom, and with Lent coming up fast, I think it is time to fast from electronics hidden throughout my room. So, bye-bye late night Facebook checks, or blog checks. Good-bye my noisy cell phone. And hello sweet sleep.
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